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Product update for My Cloud EX2100

Firmware Release 2.31.174 (03/26/2019)
| Release Notes

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What's new!
  • Security Fixes
    • Resolved security vulnerability (CVE-2018-1160) - Netatalk Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability.
    • Resolved Authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2019-9950).
    • Resolved Unauthenticated file upload vulnerability (CVE-2019-9951).

  • Other Bug Fixes
    • Resolved remote backup issue when selecting multiple folders.
    • Resolved empty zip file issue in Webfile Viewer.

Manually Updating the firmware on your My Cloud EX2100

Important: Make sure you stop all processes and save all your data before performing the firmware update.

Note: My Cloud devices require a hard drive inserted into the bay and a volume must be created to perform the firmware update.
Do not interrupt the firmware upgrade process. Doing so may cause the device to malfunction or unable to boot.
If you are using the manual update method, do not rename the firmware file. Doing so will cause the manual update to fail and can corrupt the system.

Updating the firmware on your My Cloud EX2100
  1. Download the firmware to your desktop.
  2. Unzip the file and you will find the actual firmware in this format: My_Cloud_EX2100_2.xx.xx.bin
  3. Save this to your desktop.
  4. Open the My Cloud EX2100 Dashboard UI.
  5. Go to Settings >> Firmware Update.
  6. Under the section Manual Update, click the Update From File button and a window will open.
  7. Browse to where you saved the My_Cloud_EX2100_2.xx.xx.bin file and select it.
  8. You will see a pop up confirming to upgrade your firmware, click Ok.