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Learn How to Resolve Active Directory Join Fails with "Failed to set servicePrincipalNames" on a My Cloud


AD join fails with with fails with Failed to set servicePrincipalNames.
This happens when there is a name resolution (DNS) issue on the network.


Domain Name Resolution

Make sure forward and reverse resolution is setup on the network.

  • The DNS server used by the My Cloud and the AD server must have hostname and IP address entries for both.
  • The My Cloud must be able to resolve the hostname and IP address of the Domain Server.
  • The Domain Server must be able to resolve the hostname and IP address of the My Cloud.

My Cloud Network Info

Get the Device Name and IP Address.

  1. Log into Dashboard.
  2. Click Settings.
    Get the Device Name.

  3. Click Network.
    Get the IP Address and DNS Servers.

  4. Make sure the DNS server has an entry for the Device Name (hostname) and IP address of the My Cloud.

  5. Make sure it has the hostname, fully qualified domain name, alias, and IP address of the Domain server.

Configuration of network and DNS servers are outside the scope of Technical Support Customer.
Contact your IT Department or Network Admin.

Name Resolution Check

Active Directory Server

The hostname and IP address of the My Cloud must resolve from the Domain Server.

  1. Login into the Domain Server.

  2. Open a command prompt.

  3. Check forward and reverse name resolution for the My Cloud hostname and IP address.

    Copy and paste these commands.
    Press the enter key on the keyboard after each one.
    Replace the name/ipaddress as needed.

    SYNTAX: nslookup name/ipaddress

    nslookup fully-qualified-domain-name-of-mycloud
    nslookup hostname-alias-of-mycloud
    nslookup ip-address-of-mycloud

    Example: Windows cannot resolve the hostname and IP address of the My Cloud.

My Cloud

The hostname and IP address of the Domain Server must resolve from the My Cloud.

  1. Enable SSH and login.

    Need more help?
    Answer ID 26497: How to Access WD My Cloud Using SSH (Secure Shell)

  2. Check forward and reverse name resolution for the My Cloud hostname and IP address.

    Copy and paste these commands.
    Press the enter key on the keyboard after each one.
    Replace the name/ipaddress as needed.

    SYNTAX: nslookup name/ipaddress

    nslookup fully-qualified-domain-name-of-domainserver
    nslookup hostname-alias-of-domainserver
    nslookup ip-address-of-domainserver

  3. Example: My Cloud cannot resolve the hostname and IP address of Domain Server.

Answer ID 23247
Published 08/20/2018 03:17 AM
Updated 04/11/2024 09:16 AM

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